Monday, November 1, 2010

Happy Halloween!

HAPPY HALLOWEEN!!! This year we did a Peter Pan theme! I went as a pirate, Kaylee was Tiger Lily, Lacy was Tinkerbell, and Garrett was a Lion Lost Boy! All we needed was a Peter Pan...but there was no way in HELL I was going to get my husband into green tights. He did say he would wear a name tag saying he is Peter Pan though. But I forgot to pick them up. Oh well :)

You can't see it too well in this picture, but Lacy was just coated in gold pixie dust glitter. She looked SO BEAUTIFUL!

ROAAAR! Check out my little man! Is this not the most adorable lion you have ever seen in your life???!!!

Kaylee was bummed because everyone thought she was Pocahontas. She was always correcting everyone that she was TIGER LILY! ha ha

Girls were SO excited to trick or treat! Lacy would run down the drive ways at each house going "MOM! I got more candy!!!!!" ha ha ha

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