Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Casual Pictures of the Kiddos

This is Garrett's first smile captured on camera! He's got his daddy's crooked grin! It's so cute!! He's cooing a lot and laughed out loud for the first time a few days ago!

Look at how chunky my little man is getting! Can you believe he's only 2 months old! ha ha I love these pictures of him in jeans and a plaid shirt, looks like a big boy!

Here is Lacy and Garrett. This picture cracks me up because Garrett totally has a "Jared expression" on his face! ha ha

The kiddos just hanging out around the house. Lazy summer!

Garrett always gets a little nervous when Lacy gets too close! ha ha He looks around with this expression like he's trying to say " someone watching me around Lacy??" ha ha

Just before bedtime, saying goodnight to my little guy!


LaMar & Donna Davis said...

Such cute kids!!! That little Garrett is such a handsome little man! He really looks like you LaNae:) ILY Mom

LaMar & Donna Davis said...

Super cute kids! Garrett is such a handsome little man, he really looks alot like you, LaNae! ILY Mom

K.C. + Sherry Layton said...

i love your bangs!!!!!! they are perfect for you! you always should have them like that! very very flattering on you. and way to go on the girls room.. so so cute. and garrett is the cuttest!!! i love all his hair and chubby cheeks!