Monday, January 11, 2010

Merry Christmas!

For Christmas this year Kaylee stayed up and was our elf! Since she knows about Santa she helped us wrap up presents and put them under the tree. Then she ate Santa's cookies for him (don't worry..."Santa" ate several too!). Then it was off to bed for her so that we could set up her presents!

The next morning Jan & Joyce came over just in time for the kids to wake up! Lacy and Kaylee have notorious bed head! There was no way I was going to corral them into the bathroom to do their hair when they know that they have presents waiting in the living room. So you'll have excuse the bed head pictures!

Here's Aunt Jan walking Lacy down the hallway so that she can

My mom bought Lacy a baby doll and stroller. doing that she pretty much ruined Christmas ha ha ha! It was the first thing that Lacy ran to Christmas morning and she didn't open a single present after that! She had no interest in anything else under the tree! She was thrilled with her baby doll and stroller!!!

See, here's a picture of her snubbing her other presents. All she wanted was her baby stroller! ha ha ha

Kaylee was excited to get a snuggie! ha ha

Lacy got a remote control car. I'm not sure who had more fun with it...Lacy or Jared!

Christmas presents were all opened, and we had our Christmas breakfast, now all Kaylee wanted to do was grab her snuggie and one of her new books and relax!


K.C. + Sherry Layton said...

FINALLY!!!! an update! i am proud of you! haha

Ryan and LeDawn said...

Omg! They are getting so big! Did I read that right? You're pregnant? Congrats!